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Unit testing asynchronous Angular services

Angular is built to be testable. But when I tried to test an Angular service that had a dependency on another service ánd communicated asynchronously with it, I faced a bit of a challenge.

When you are unit testing a piece of code, you don’t want to depend on other components to function correctly. Thats why we use placeholders like mocks for those dependencies. Let’s say we have an iceCreamApp we want to test. It has an iceCreamService which can add or remove ice cream from the application. We also have a dataService that handles communication with the server via Angular’s $http service. The iceCreamService depends on this dataService and communicates with it:

  .module('iceCreamApp', [])
  .service('iceCreamService', iceCreamService)
  .service('dataService', dataService);

function iceCreamService(dataService) {
  var service = {
    retrieveIceCream: retrieveIceCream,
    getIceCream: getIceCream

  var iceCream = [];

  return service;

  function getIceCream() {
    return iceCream;

  function retrieveIceCream() {
      .then(function(result) {
        iceCream = result.data;

function dataService($http) {
  var service = {
    getAllIceCream: getAllIceCream

  return service;

  function getAllIceCream() {
    //Some logic
    return $http.get('api/icecream');

Angular & Angular Mocks

Let’s step back for a moment. Angular has an extensive dependency injection system. In a nutshell it works as follows. There is a global angular object that keeps track of all the modules and their components. If you make a module you can register it at Angular with angular.module('module name', [/*deps*/]). Then you can register components at that module with: angular.module('module name').*componentType*.('component name', implementation).

Angular Mocks (aka ngMock) is a library that provides you with all kinds of tools to extract stuff from this system inside your unit tests. The most valuable tools are:

  • module, a function to load a module in your tests
  • inject, a function to get any component (except controllers) in your tests
  • $controller, a service to get controller instances in your tests
  • $httpBackend, a service to mock the behaviour of angular’s $http service in you tests

Building the tests

So how do we go about testing our iceCreamApp? We could use the $httpBackend service provided by Angular Mocks to simulate the dataService’s HTTP calls. But for now we only want to test the iceCreamService, not dataService. Using $httpBackend would mean that we also depend on dataService working properly, we don’t want that in a unit test.

For this article I used Jasmine as a test framework. But you can use the same solution in any javascript test framework like Mocha or QUnit.

Now, we have to make a ‘mocked’ dataService. But how do we let our test use the fake dataService instead of the ‘real’ one? If you are testing an Angular controller that depends on a service this is quite obvious, you can use the $controller service of Angular Mocks to inject a fake dataService into the controller like this:

describe('ice cream controller', function() {
  var $controller;
  var mockedDataService = function() { //some fake methods };
  var iceCreamController;

  beforeEach() {

      $controller = _$controller_;

    iceCreamController = $controller('IceCreamCtrl', {
      dataService: new mockedDataService()

  it('does what i expect', function() {
    //test stuff..

But how do you achieve the same effect when testing a service (instead of a controller) that depends on another service? The $controller service has the functionality to specify fake dependencies on controllers, but a service is directly injected via the Angular Mocks ‘inject‘ method, the moment a service is injected it is also initialized. So there is no way to intercept and add fake/mocked dependencies? There is, here is how to do it:

describe('ice cream controller', function() {
  var mockedDataService = function() { //some fake methods };
  var iceCreamService;

  beforeEach() {

      $provide.service('dataService', mockedDataService);

      iceCreamService = _iceCreamService_;

  it('does what i expect', function() {
    //test stuff..

It’s kind of nasty in my opinion, but here is what happens. First we just load our application with the module function provided by Angular Mocks. But then we use the module function again to get access to the $provider service.

Essentially, what the $provider service does is register components at a Angular module. What we do is register the mockedDataService with ‘dataService‘ as the component name, basically overriding the original one. When the iceCreamService is then injected and it tries to get the dataService, it gets the mocked version.

You can read the word ‘service’ a lot in this article. The confusion can be that Angular’s own framework contains services, but users can also create their own services. So for instance the_ $provider, $http_ and $controller service are services made by Angular, the iceCreamService and dataService are services made by us (the developers). Most of the time Angular’s own services are prefixed with ‘$‘.

Pretty cool huh? So now, let’s zoom in a bit on the mockedDataService. The dataService has one method: getAllIceCream. The iceCreamService we are testing needs that method so we need to implement it.

var mockedDataService = function() {
  return {
    getAllIceCream: jasmine.createSpy()

Hey that’s something new. jasmine.createSpy() creates a ‘fake’ method that can collect data about if, how and how many times it is called. Now we can verify that the method is actually called:

//All test setup gibberish
describe('when retrieving ice cream', function() {
  it('should call the dataService', function() {


Getting async

What happens in this test, is it calls the iceCreamService with the retrieveIceCream method and expect the getAllIceCream method to have been called. But actually, when running this test, javascript will throw an error. Because if you look closely at the iceCreamService it expects the getAllIceCream method to return a promise:

function retrieveIceCream() {
      .then(function(result) {
        iceCream = result.data;

So we have to make the mockedDataService to also return a (dummy) promise.

describe('ice cream controller', function() {
  var $controller;
  var $q;
  var getAllIceCreamDeferred;
  var mockedDataService = function() {
    return {
      getAllIceCream: jasmine.createSpy()
  var iceCreamController;

  beforeEach() {

      $provide.service('dataService', mockedDataService);

    inject(function(_iceCreamService_, _$q_){
      iceCreamService = _iceCreamService_;
      $q = _$q_;

  describe('when retrieving ice cream', function() {
    it('should call the dataService', function() {
      var dummyData = ['ice', 'cream'];



  function expectGetAllIceCream() {
    getAllIceCreamDeferred = $q.defer();

  function flushGetAllIceCream(iceCream) {

What have we done here? The mockedDataService stayed the same, it still has a jasmine spy as a method. But now we’ve added the expectGetAllIceCream and flushGetAllIceCream methods. expectGetAllIceCream sets up the getAllIceCream method to return a promise. The flushGetAllIceCream resolves the promise. If you want to know more about promises check out this awesome video by David Smith.

In the test we first expect the promise, this sets up the getAllIceCream method to return a promise. This way the code doesn’t crash and we have a promise we can resolve. Then we call retrieveIceCream, this method will call the getAllIceCream method on the (mocked) dataService and retrieves the promise. retrieveIceCream now adds a callback to the promise with .then(callback).

Promises are actually just objects that manage callbacks. Instead of directly passing a callback to a function you let the function return an object that you can register the callback at. This makes for more manageable as well as flexible code and prevents you from getting into callback hell

Then we resolve the promise with flushGetAllIceCream(dummyData), now the callback that was registered is executed with the data we passed flushGetAllIceCream. Finally we verify if getAllIceCream is called and that retrieveIceCream added the new data to the iceCreamService with two expect calls.

As you can see you need quite some setup to test Angular services that asynchronously communicate with each other. But once you have it set up it’s actually quite simple! Happy testing!


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