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Easy React Modals with Hooks and Portals

Modals, there are a thousand ways of implementing them, but the biggest challenge is to keep them simple and flexible. Let’s do that with React Hooks & Portals!

The code in this article can be found at Codepen.

So first off, let’s state the requirements of our modal component:

  1. Can be opened & closed, duh! 🤓
  2. Visual components should be decoupled from logic.
  3. Can be used in anywhere in the app.

The second point is important. We want the component to be flexible, so that the consumer can compose any combination of visual components. But we do not want to be re-implementing the logic of toggling these UI elements every time. If we get this right, we can use this implementation for different types of modals, tooltips or collapsible panels.

The third point is something that is always a challenge with modals in particular. They need to be in the root of the DOM for visual styling purposes. This results in the modal content being far away from it’s actual context on the page. Luckily we can solve this issue with Portals 👽.

Creating the toggle

The first part is toggling. There are a lot of ways you can do this, but you always need to keep state about it somewhere. We can use Redux for this, or a stateful class component. But, to keep it nice and functional, we are going to use the new React Hooks.

const ToggleContent = ({ toggle, content }) => {
  const [isShown, setIsShown] = useState(false);
  const hide = () => setIsShown(false);
  const show = () => setIsShown(true);

  return (
      {isShown && content(hide)}

There is a LOT going on here! Let’s get over it line by line.

First of all this is a functional React component. You are all probably familiar with those by now. This means it cannot have state or lifecycle hooks, right? Well with the new React Hooks it can.

There are several hooks you can use, but in this case we are only going to use the useState hook. We need it to keep track of if our modal is open or closed. By calling useState(initialValue) on the top of our component, we tell React to create a state value, in this case we set it to be false initially. The useState hook returns us an array of two things, the current value of the state and a setter function to update the state.

const [isShown, setIsShown] = useState(false);

Then, for convenience, we pre-define the show and hide functions to set our state to true or false.

const hide = () => setIsShown(false);
const show = () => setIsShown(true);

In the returned value we render two things: the toggle and the content. These are props provided by the consumer of the ToggleContent component. The toggle prop is rendering the button that opens our modal. The content prop is the actual modal (or tooltip, or popup or whatever). By using the && operator we conditionlly render the content, it is only shown when isShown is set to true.

  {isShown && content(hide)}

You might find it strange how we render the props passed in by the user. You might be used to rendering props containing content like this: {toggle}. But in this case we are using a technique called render props. This means that these props are functions that return the content, which is why it looks like: {toggle(show)}. Doing this allows us to pass the show and hide functions to the consumer.

What are those weird <> </> elements? These are React Fragements, elements that are themselves NOT rendered to the actual DOM, but their children ARE. They are merely there to wrap our toggle and content elements into a single, virtual element. This is because a React component is required to return only one element.

Wow, a lot of concepts to wrap our heads around! Hooks, render props, fragments. Maybe actually using the ToggleContent component might clear things up.

Using the toggle

So now that we have our toggle logic, let’s use it in our App!

<h1>My amazing app</h1>
<div id="app"></div>
const App = () => (
    Click to reveal a secret:

      toggle={show => <button onClick={show}>Open</button>}
      content={hide => (
          There is no spoon...
          <button onClick={hide}>Close</button>

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));

First off we pass in the the toggle itself. It’s a simple button, but the interesting part is that it is wrapped in an arrow function, this is how you pass in a render prop. Because we do it like this, the button now has access to the show function, so that we can open the modal on click.

For the content we do the same as for the toggle, this time it gets the hide function, so that we can use it for a close button in the modal.

In this example the ToggleContent component provides us with only one argument for each render prop. But you could make it even more flexible by passing the show, hide and isShown arguments to both render props. This way you can do even more complex interactions in your user interface.

Creating an actual Modal

If you are following along, by this time, you should have a working ‘modal’! Although it is not really a modal, it’s just content being added below the toggle. A modal is generally a box that that overlays the page. But luckily, we’ve made our ToggleContent component so flexible, that we can pass in our own components. Let’s create a nice boxy modal:

const Modal = ({ children }) => (
    <div className="modal">
.modal {
  position: fixed;
  top: 12px;
  padding: 12px;
  background-color: white;
  border: 1px solid grey;

So this is our actual, visual Modal component. The content of it is defined by the consumer, using the children prop (not a render prop this time). The styling defines a simple box that is positioned fixed on top of our page. But to make sure it is always in the same position, not influenced by it’s surrounding elements, we want it to be rendered at the root level of the page.

We could do that by always placing it at the root level of our React app. But that is generally not convenient. A modal might be used for confirming the submission of a contact form, somewhere deep down in the app. It would not feasable putting the modal for that at the root level.

This is where React Portals come to the resqueue. Portals allow you to render an element from anywhere in the virtual DOM tree to a specific location in the actual DOM. It will always end up in the location you specify, in this example #modal-root. We need to make sure that element exists on our page:

<h1>My amazing app</h1>
<div id="app"></div>
<div id="modal-root"></div>

The modal should now always be rendered inside the #modal-root element, even if it is nested somewhere deep in the app! To finalize, we use the modal in our existing app:

const App = () => (
    Click to reveal a secret:

      toggle={show => <button onClick={show}>Open</button>}
      content={hide => (
          There is no spoon...
          <button onClick={hide}>Close</button>

Note that only the Modal part will be rendered in #modal-root. The button to open the modal will still be rendered inside the <p>, just where we want it 👍.


We used hooks and render props to create a generic, reuseable ToggleContent component, that you can use for any modal-like use case. We used portals to create a visual Modal component that can be used anywhere, but is positioned consistently on the page. We then composed these components to have working modal that can be used anywhere, Awesome 😎!


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