Functionally managing state with Redux
The Flux application design pattern is still going strong and gaining popularity. There are countless libraries around, helping you implement Flux. But lately, one has been standing out.
The Flux application design pattern is still going strong and gaining popularity. There are countless libraries around, helping you implement Flux. But lately, one has been standing out.
Angular is built to be testable. But when I tried to test an Angular service that had a dependency on another service ánd communicated asynchronously with it, I faced a bit of a challenge.
Continuous integration is an important subject, I cannot think of a development world without it. There are a lot of options for CI, but Travis is a nice and simple one. For personal projects it’s free with unlimited repo’s, perfect! However, it requires you to code your own build script. I had some trouble figuring out a good way to do FTP deployments. So, how do you upload files to FTP servers with Travis?
If you are into front-end development, you’ve probably heard or read the term ‘Flux’. What does it mean and why should you care?
Proxies are one of the lesser known functionalities in EcmaScript 6. This is for a reason, they will probably not become your staple exercise in coding Javascript applications. But they are quite cool!
AngularJS has been around for a while. Although AngularJS 2.0 is going to have a completely different api, it’s current api is kinda settled and mature. But it’s starting to get old. 6 years is quite a lot for a front-end framework and the competition is moving fast. But still AngularJS is a solid and complete framework with a big community behind it. Controllers have become the staple component of an Angular application, but should they be?
Props are the mechanism React uses to let components communicate with each other. A parent component can pass it’s child(ren) named prop values, which the child can then use in its internal logic.
The Javascript world has grown, a lot. Instead of a simple scripting language, it is now used as a full blown programming language for the web. Not to forget it’s server side capabilities with NodeJS. ECMAScript 6 brings some features to make Javascript a more ‘mature’ language. A good example is the new let and const variable types.