We code the web

Faster CSS coding with Hayaku

Lately a good friend of mine showed me this plugin for Sublime Text called Hayaku. I had never heard of it so I asked him what it was. It’s like Emmet for CSS. Hey, I know Emmet, it makes writing HTML and CSS easier, so what’s this about?

Goodbye nested lists, hello SASS maps!

SASS lists are great, and with multidimensional lists you can get a key-value-like experience, but not completely..

Using icon fonts with SASS

Sometimes you want to display an icon in your website somewhere, but you do not want to touch the HTML. For instance if you have an auto-generated link in your CMS and you want to prefix it with an icon. This is actually very easy to do, because that is exactly what icon font vendors like Bootstrap Glyphicons and FontAwesome already do!

Is Compass dead?

For a long time I have been a dedicated user of the SASS+Compass stack. It is great not having to provide workarounds and fixes for each browser in your CSS. Compass mixins saved me a lot of trouble. So why ask the question in this title?